Never Split the Difference

판매 당하는 입장, 가격을 내려야 하는 입장에서 읽어야 하는 책 > 판매하는 입장에선 반대로 해야겠지?
Make them say “that’s right”, not “you’re right”
How am I supposed to do(pay, accept, live with) that?
– this question influences the feelings, which then leads them to rationalize the situation to give a better offer.
Label the emotion > makes them feel heard and understood
“It seems (sounds) like…”
Accusation Audit (layout the worst)
수업시가발표시킬때: “it’s gonna be horrible. But whose who do volunteer will get the most out of this than anyone else.”
“No” provides protection from their scariness. People need to feel in control.
So getting a “No” is good b/c they will feel comfortable being in control.
“do you want to lose $50K/year?”
Negotiation is about the other party convincing themselves that the solution you want is their own idea.
The F-word, FAIR.
A: We’ve given you a fair offer
B: It seems like you’re ready to provide the evidence that supports that
It want you to feel like you are being treated fairly at all times. So please stop me at any time if you feel I’m being unfair, and we’ll address it.
Calibrated questions: I am with you to make this thing work. Let’s work together kind of mindset.
Don’t Touch WHY
What about this is important to you?
How can I help to make this better for us?
How would you like me to proceed?
What is it that brought us into this situation?
How can we solve this problem?
What’s the objective?
What are we trying to accomplish here?
How am I supposed to do that?